With five kids, I’ve had the opportunity of trying every single diaper brand out there. From dollar store to cloth, I can honestly tell you that Luvs is my favorite brand. Based on price and quality, I just feel like they are perfect for my family. When Luvs contacted me to celebrate their new Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus, I accepted without hesitation!
The new Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus have large stretchy tabs, are easy to fasten, soft, and most importantly to me, provide fantastic leak protection. Luvs is so sure of these awesome diapers that they actually offer a money-back guarantee. Little Miss has been exclusively wearing these diapers for a couple of weeks now with no issues whatsoever! The absorbency is great even for overnights, they smell good (is that weird to say?), and they’re easy to put on my spinning octopus of a child!
To celebrate these new Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus diapers, Luvs helped me to throw a little party! They sent along adorable decorations, balloons, and necessary party goods like plates and cups (with lids! they know that having kids means mess, you guys!). I made up a veggie tray and to complement the healthiness of that, put out some cookies and juice too, haha!
The moms sat around swapping stories and parenting preferences, like our favorite stores and of course, diapers! While we chatted away, the kids all bopped balloons around and bonded. The fun really began when we all wrote #WhatULuv on our speech and thought bubbles to celebrate who we are and what we “luv”! One friend asked, “How honest are we supposed to be? Is it wrong if I write wine?!” I decided to do two, one I’m thinking and one I’m saying…haha!
The little ones were much less complicated, they love the balloons and toys!
Thanks to Luvs, I was able to send each mommy home with a little gift bag of the new Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus diapers, a sippy cup, and some candy I added for fun! It was such a great time getting together with friends, both newer and ones I’ve known for well over a decade. I’m always happy to have fun with friends in the name of a brand that I already “LUV”!
Purchase Luvs Ultra Leakguards with Nightlock Plus at your local retailers like Target, Wal-Mart, or even Amazon!
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*The Quirky Mom Next Door received compensation in exchange for her honest review and coverage of this event.
Looks like it was a fun little party!
Looks like you all had a lot of fun!!
I have been eyeing the new diapers at the store and was searching for a new overnight diaper! Maybe I’ll give these a try! Are they already in stores?