Life with children is filled with many firsts. There is the moment the child is born. There is their first smile. Then there are their first words, steps, day of school, and the list goes on. Every parent wants to witness every first, regardless of what it is, and they also want to be there…Continue reading Getting Ahead in Life with the Healbe GoBe2
Category: Apps
Keeping Kids on the Straight and Narrow with the ACTEV Arrow Smart-Kart
Every kid out there craves adventure in some form. It’s inherent in a child’s DNA. It’s no surprise to me when I look at a kid’s wish list for Christmas. Action Figures? They want to act out scenes from their favorite movies and shows, if not come up with their own. Bikes? They want the…Continue reading Keeping Kids on the Straight and Narrow with the ACTEV Arrow Smart-Kart
10 Ways Alexa is Organizing My Life
*The Quirky Mom Next Door receives a small commission from products purchased using my links. Thank you for helping me to support my family! Life is busy with a family of seven. There are extracurricular activities, errands to run, events to attend, deadlines to meet, the list goes on. Until recently, things were chaotic and…Continue reading 10 Ways Alexa is Organizing My Life