Fellow blogger Sian Fuller tagged me in The Liebster Award and I thought this seemed like a great way to connect to other bloggers and talk a little bit more about myself and my blog in the process!
The way The Liebster Award works is: When someone tags your blog, you answer their ten questions and then award ten of your own favorite blogs to answer ten questions you pose to them.
Sian asked:
1. What made you start blogging? I’ve blogged on a personal level for years. I used blogging as a personal diary as a teenager (how embarrassing, in retrospect!) and continued to blog after having children as a way to keep family and friends up on my life. I branched out to trying to blog as work when a friend reached out to me to write as a contributor on a blog she was working on (Eighty MPH Mom). Since then, I’ve learned more and more about blogging with the help of my friend, Darci, over at Everything Mommyhood.
2. How long have you been blogging for? The oldest blog I can find online is from eleven years ago but I’m fairly certain I was blogging for at least two years before that. I’ve only recently become more serious about blogging.
3. What is your best achievement? I feel like my number of achievements so early in my life is an achievement. I feel like I have nearly everything I’ve ever wanted. The biggest achievement for me is my attitude. Becoming such a happy person, living such a good life no matter what happens, this is my best achievement. Happiness. <3
4. What do you hope to accomplish next year? Next year, my husband and I are finally going on a trip just the two of us and I’m extremely excited! I’m also thinking about taking the courses for my doula certification next year, even though I may not follow through with that occupation for a while. Hopefully I’ll get approved for financial aide for college next year so that I can continue taking more courses. I’d also like my blog to get even bigger and more “official”. I’m really hoping for a gorgeous layout at some point soon!
5. Someone you admire, and why? I admire my mother. She is such a strong and amazing woman. She’s funny and we have such a fun time together. She was extremely present growing up and always offered guidance (which I readily ignored, as a typical kid and teenager) but now we are the best of friends. If I need an unbiased opinion, my mom is one of the best people to offer wisdom and she usually has some fairly reasonable words of wisdom to share!
6. Any new year resolutions yet? I feel like New Year’s resolutions are a set up for failure, at least for me. I’ve gained a couple of pounds in the last couple of weeks and I think it’s because I’m breastfeeding less and less (last night may have actually been our last nursing session!). I need to fight off the urge to snack while I’m blogging and instead get into running or some type of exercise that I will be able to main interest in and see results from. I’ve lost so much weight but I’m not at all in shape and I would love to be.
7. If you were stuck on a desert island, what 3 items would you have with you? This is always a tough question because it depends if these are rational things, like a club, bow and arrow, and a shelter, or if they’re things I love that I want to have if I’m stuck somewhere boring, like Internet, reading material, and craft supplies!
8. Something you cannot live without? A phone with Internet access, probably.
9. What advice would you give to other bloggers from your experience? Connections are the best, I think. Using SITS blogging and other blogger networks have really helped me get out there and connect with others. Posts like this one which connect you to other bloggers, helping each other out!
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? I’d like to have a huge blog following, posting personal content among reviews and giveaways daily. I’d like to be working as a full-time doula since my youngest will be in school by then. I’d like to be even happier and wiser than I feel now!
I give The Liebster Award to you, Secondary Soul, Turnovers blog, The Anxious Hooker, Vegging at the Shore, The Art of Better, Funky Frugal Mommy, Finding Sanity in Our Crazy Life, Girl, InTransition, Continental Fairy, and hey love designs!
My questions for those I’ve nominated:
1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
2. What is your absolute favorite thing to blog about?
3. What three things can you not be without?
4. Where do you go when you need to be alone?
5. If you had a large block of free time, what would you be doing?
6. What are your main goals for your blog?
7. Since it’s the holiday season, what’s your favorite holiday movie?
8. Link to your most favorite blog post and tell why it’s your favorite.
9. What is your best feature, both physical and non-physical?
10. If you had to sing karaoke, what song would you choose?
Hi Tiffany! Thanks so much again for giving me the Liebster Award! I have had such fun. My post is at http://theartofbetter.com/2014/12/liebster-award/ if you would like to check out my answers. 🙂