shepherd's treasure

Can you #spottheshepherd from the Shepherd’s Treasure?!

We recently introduced you to Shepherd’s Treasure, the Christ-centered elf alternative for Christmas season. I wanted to update and let you know how things are going with this little guy in our household! Our shepherd arrived before church, a bit before December 1st, in order to get acclimated to his new home with us. The…Continue reading Can you #spottheshepherd from the Shepherd’s Treasure?!

shepherd's treasure

The Christ-Centered Elf Alternative This Christmas Season: The Shepherd’s Treasure

New traditions are being created every day. You grow up and move to a new home, you take some of your childhood family traditions with you and you start many new ones with your family. Yet, there is one constant who remains unchanged year after year… Jesus! With Christmas approaching, the little elves will begin popping…Continue reading The Christ-Centered Elf Alternative This Christmas Season: The Shepherd’s Treasure