Day one of the 30 Days of Gratitude challenge I’m writing on, was beauty. Day two is laughter. I spend most of my day laughing. Sometimes I even make corny (Do people still say that? I do…) jokes to myself during the day and laugh out loud. My husband cracks me up, my kids are unintentionally hilarious, and my mom has her days where she’ll get me in tears. Hubby is a quick-thinker so he’s got those quips ready in his back pocket all day, every day.
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I love the times when we’re cracking each other up because we’re connecting and whatever we’re laughing about is something that nobody else would understand. I’m definitely thankful for that laughter we share, it’s our absolute best quality and a great weapon of defense against any looming disagreements. Make a joke, the tension lessens.
One of my favorite funny stories to share is a great one… we were at a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, where they pump the kids full of fruit punch. My second daughter was about 2 at the time and she was on my husband’s shoulders, his favorite way to hold the kids. We were talking and then suddenly, the fruit punch came back up, all over the top of his head! Even better, he had no idea at all. So I’m standing there cracking up, tears in my eyes, unable to breathe… and he has no idea why. I struggled for what felt like forever, especially for him I imagine, trying to choke out the words. Finally I said, “She…threw up…on…your head…” She had gone right back to playing on his head, acting like nothing ever happened, while his entire head is covered in regurgitated red liquid. He wouldn’t let me tell that story for like two years but he knew it was funny and hey, if it were me, he’d have been dying too. Heck, similar stories seem to happen like that to me while training my puppy all the time! But we have our laughter together, either with each other or the occasional at each other, and I’m extremely thankful for that daily dose of hilariousness that we share.