In one of the other blog challenges, I gave a nod to the little things that I appreciate. I was mostly being dorky but they were also genuine little things that I am grateful for. Thankfully, there are plenty more to share…
- The way my son dances, no matter what tune he hears. You’re humming totally off-key and there he is, shaking his little booty.
- My youngest daughter’s adorably affectionate nature. She comes up out of nowhere, tells me she loves me, and plants a huge kiss on me! And she doesn’t want anything in return except more love!
- Having a husband that likes to help with cooking, cleaning, and really anything we need.
- My oldest daughter’s affinity for drawing! She draws the most awesome pictures and she absolutely loves doing it.
- How my cocker spaniel gets obsessed with playing ball. She will chase me around with the ball in her mouth, telling me it’s time to play fetch! Even if she doesn’t quite grasp the concept of returning the ball…
- Our friendly neighbor that comes by to chat when the weather is nice and we’re all outside, as well as another neighbor that will stand at the bus stop with her son and our oldest if I’m running around and need to get other things done.
- How intelligent my middle daughter is. She catches on to things so quickly, it absolutely amazes me and she’s so proud of herself!
- A comfortable mattress to sleep on at night. Might seem so insignificant but it makes all the difference in the world.
- Having GPS on my phone. I would never get anywhere, I swear.
- Egg nog. Yeah, the season’s coming for egg nog so now’s as good a time as any to be thankful for it. Also, hot chocolate, gingerbread shots that I put in my hot milk to make Starbucks gingerbread steamers, and apple cider.
- And more, so much more…