Don’t Drink, Don’t Smoke, What Do You Do?

I’m a little young for this reference but my parents really liked Adam Ant and I always thought this song was catchy.


I don’t know if you know this but I have four kids and am baking another little kicker as I type. People are usually really shocked to find out that not only do I not drink coffee but I don’t drink either. Most of the funniest mom-related memes on the Internet relate somehow to coffee and wine, it’s a pretty common interest!

(Picture property of someecards.)

It’s not for lack of trying that I don’t enjoy these things. I just don’t like the taste (or smell) of either one. Caffeine I mostly use to relieve headaches and I’ve just never really liked the mind-altering effects of alcohol. I tried it here and there growing up but it never got me anywhere but in trouble and/or hugging a toilet.


To wake up in the morning, I just scroll a social media feed on my phone or mediate a senseless argument between my kids about things like how to properly pronounce “salami”. To relax at night, well, I used to crochet or sew but for the last six months I’m just kind of working until I go to sleep and that’s been okay because the money that comes from blogging makes for a fun weekend with my family!

Coffee has just been more of a shock to people than anything else, since it’s somewhat of an anomaly, but I’ve always had some trouble with the “don’t drink” part. Peer pressure is something we teach our kids to especially be aware of in high school but I can tell you that it definitely happens among adults too. When I’m at a party, the pressure to drink can get pretty intense. I’ve had close family members remark that they’d like to see me “have fun”. I’m a blast and can be a bit of a class clown, I can still have fun without it! I think that when I drink, I’m more obnoxious and embarrassing than I am entertaining! They say it magnifies your personality and well, I think that just might be a little too much of me! Hehe.

It’s okay that I don’t like to drink, it doesn’t make me lame…my interest in crocheting does. 😉 I still do okay and I have plenty of vices of my own. If you ever look at any nail polish reviews I do, you’ll see that my nails are non-existent. My house is blasting with loud music sometimes to get me going and keep me together. I’m going to keep indulging in the coffee and wine memes though, because they’re awesome and hilarious. My favorite so far was the wine advent calendar I shared last Christmas because I can relate to that need for stress relief and relaxation every night, especially during the holiday season!

(Picture is not my property but I have no idea where it originated!)

What was my point of this post? I guess I just really wanted to get it out there. I’m not proud or ashamed, it just IS, you know? I do feel a little left out of society sometimes but I think it’s just like anything else you do or don’t like. I feel left out when I’m the only one in the room that doesn’t like shrimp either. It looks like a sea bug, you guys!

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