Get Lost in ‘A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature’ at The Franklin Institute

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Our adventures to the Franklin Institute are always going to be some of my favorite memories. I love walking through these fun exhibits with the kids asking us so many questions because they’re so interested in everything that’s going on. The permanent exhibits always seem to leave us with something new we learn, no matter how many times we’ve been through. Those alone are worth us returning but we could never miss the exhibits that come through!


The A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature exhibit was incredibly cool! When we first walked in there were pictures that “moved” to reveal the patterns within. Even the baby was impressed by the way the pictures would change as we walked by. There were trees, butterflies, and so many other gorgeous designs found in nature.


The mirror maze itself was an artistic beauty. Just stepping inside to see the lights and reflections, I stood there to take it in for a moment. It looked so awesome! Of course, I was quickly interrupted by the sound of my kids giggling and walking into dead ends! The baby refused to let me hold her so she stubbornly bumped right into a mirror and then I watched as she took every turn afterward with her hands raised in front of herself so as not to make the same mistake again. It was a little funny to see her confused and she sure thought the whole thing was hilarious! She kept trying to go back in after we started to explore other parts of the exhibit!

The rest of the exhibit demonstrated other patterns and rhythms in nature. They’re set up kind of like stations and each one shows you something new. Some of the stations were musical, which the baby particularly loved. Others were almost like games, find the pattern that goes to this object and such. At one point, I heard my 7 yeard old direct my 4 year old son to stay on the same page her screen was on so that she could read to him what it said. Those are the moments I live for, the learning that the kids are delighting in sharing with each other!


I don’t like to give away everything in an exhibit because I feel like it takes the fun out of discovering it all but I can say that I most definitely think that A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature is a highly educational exhibit and totally worth the trip! I recommend it for homeschoolers, class trips, and moms just trying to keep teaching within your activities!



You can purchase tickets to The Franklin Institute Mirror Maze exhibit at

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*The Quirky Mom Next Door received tickets in exchange for her honest review. All opinions and experiences are her own only.

8 thoughts on “Get Lost in ‘A Mirror Maze: Numbers in Nature’ at The Franklin Institute

  1. This is really incredible and my kids would love to take a trip through the Mirror Maze. What a great learning experience!

  2. This is awesome! Understanding patterns reveals why our bodies and buildings are shaped the way they are and why they function as they do. Fascinating!

  3. This looks amazing. My son and I love going to museums. This mirror maze actually reminds me of the funhouse at the Carnival, which has always been his favorite.

  4. So much fun!!! I will see if they have something like this close to us the kids will love it. Thank you so much for posting.

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