my wish for you

My Wish For You Empowers Young Girls Everywhere

disclosure spon*This post is sponsored by Scholastic.

We all read our children stories about lost puppies and playful bunny rabbits, but what about meaningful and inspiring literature? The world at large is scary and discouraging. Society teaches us to conform, and often, to follow all of the wrong values. Kathryn Hahn, the beautiful and funny actress on the big screen, created a heartfelt book to remind little girls how powerful and strong they are. Illustrations by Brigette Barrager truly help to illuminate Kathryn’s motivating text.

my wish for you

My Wish for You is about overcoming self-doubt and being true to who you are, not who anyone else tells you to be, now or any time in your future. Each page is a mantra worth repeating every day, a sentence that reminds our daughters how amazing they are right this minute. Just reading the synopsis, I teared up. As a mother of four daughters, this is so important to me as a parent. I want my girls to know that they should always feel free to be themselves. I just want all of my children to be happy and not to be afraid to achieve their dreams.

This isn’t one of those stories you read once and put it up on the book shelf to collect dust or look nice when friends come over. This is the kind of book that you read to your girls every day, words you want them to memorize and repeat to themselves when they need the encouragement. We all love it.

I was particularly drawn to My Wish for You because I know that the struggle with bullying can be lifelong. We’ve had those phone calls home where the girls’ interactions have been less than ideal. My girls right this very minute are like me. They are unapologetic for who they are, they are real and they are unique. I want them to live this way forever.

my wish for you

My oldest loves to draw, and she will talk your ear off with any kind of story. My wish for her is that she will never let anyone snuff that fire of hers. She’s outside of the “recommended” age for the book (four to eight), but she needs these mantras in her life too. In high school, all of the struggles will come at once, and I want her to be ready. I want them all to be ready.

Another situation that gave us a need for My Wish for You is my eight-year-old’s school experiences. She has struggled with being advanced in school, and it’s often caused her to act out because she gets bored. When everyone wants to hold her back from being the bright little girl she is, I want her to continue being exactly who she is and never being sorry for that.

my wish for you

For my little ones, I snuggle up with them to read My Wish for You. I want them to remember love and closeness as they envision these illuminating pages that reinforce who they are. When they look back, they should feel good and associate all of these warm fuzzy feelings with love and positivity.

Every time someone tells my daughters they can’t do something, I’m taking My Wish for You off of the shelf. When the world feels against them, My Wish for You is coming out. This is the type of book that I picture them pulling out at college and it still makes them smile.

What are your wishes for your daughter?

Get a sneak peek at My Wish for You below and get a copy for your family at the Scholastic website.

*The Quirky Mom Next Door received compensation in exchange for our honest review. All opinions and experiences are our own only.

32 thoughts on “My Wish For You Empowers Young Girls Everywhere

  1. I definitely think that I will be adding this book to the library for when we do have daughters (in the early stages of adopting a girl). It sounds like it sends such an important message. Thank you for sharing.

  2. That sounds like a nice book to read for my kids and I am sure my daughter would love to add this book with her daily reading routine.

  3. I don’t have kids yet but this seems like a really good book. Love and positivity are very important in a household and kids should feel that at home. I may have to get this book for my friends kid.

  4. This sounds like a great book for children, especially daughters. I don’t have children but I’m sure this is helpful for those who do.

  5. The power of books has no age limitations. I love to surround my kids with books that show them who they can be. This one sounds great!

  6. I just read my sweet Asher his first book and it was such an absolute special time!! I will look at this book too!

  7. My thing about books is that kids need them. And to have books that are empowering can show them the importance. Thanks for sharing such a great post.

  8. I wish all young kids to be empowered, not just girls. Girls should learn how they deserve to be respected, but boys should be educated to respect girls for their decision too! This is a great book for both guys and girls, in my opinion!

    1. I totally agree! I absolutely encourage all of my kids equally but the book itself was created for girls and all of the pictures are of girls.

  9. Sounds like a great book. Books with a positive message for children is greatly needed today. Thanks for sharing your review.

  10. What a great book. I wish it had been around when I was growing up. This would have been a great book for my daughter too. I think this would be such a good book for all of my grandchildren.

  11. My daughter just started reading and loves it! We need more books ASAP, and this books looks awesome, because it sounds like it will really boost her confidence. She has had many challenges that she has overcome. I would love to pull this book out for her as well when someone tells her that she can’t do something! 🙂

  12. What a sweet book! I would love this for my daughter. She is sweet kind and goofy and wouldn’t change a thing about her.

  13. That’s so sweet of you to write a post about a book girls need! I love that you put so much love to talk about it and to pass that love to her!

  14. I love, love the empowering message of this book! I would love to pick up several copies of this book for each of my young nieces and bestie’s daughter. I love supporting authors who teach values of strength and empowerment to young girls.

  15. This sounds like a wonderful encouraging book for parents and their children to read together. My daughter is not far behind you, with three daughters (and #4 baby on the way!), so I’m going to share this post with her.

  16. This sounds like a great book even though I don’t have kids yet but can’t wait to show this to my daughters if I have some.

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