Today’s SITS Back to Blogging challenge is to post one of your favorite Fall photos. I searched through my photos for something meaningful that also included my favorite thing about Fall, the gorgeous leaves. I already shared several in my Fall in Our Family post and wanted to save a few of the special people-centered ones for my thankful posts toward Thanksgiving. Looking through my personal Instagram, I came upon a really gorgeous photo that I took last year outside of the church where my MOPS group meets.
Since there isn’t much to say about these beautiful Autumn leaves, I’d love to tell you a little more about my wonderful MOPS group. Mothers of Preschoolers is an international group and every MOPS itself is a little bit different but generally, a MOPS group meets a couple of times a month. The children go into a separate room to have a preschool experience of their own with the MOPS childcare volunteers, while the mothers gather for food, fun, and fellowship. We have focused conversation topics, crafts, free chat, teaching, all sorts of things.
I joined MOPS a couple of years ago when I lived in Philadelphia. I was new to the area and looking to make new friends. When I moved here, a dear friend who has since passed on (rest in peace Cristina <3) was an avid MOPS-lover and reminded me to look for a MOPS in my area. She was so right, I immediately found that sense of belonging with the MOPS here. I have a bit of a social anxiety, so I was nervous when I first came to a meeting. People welcomed me like they’d known me forever. They introduced themselves and asked for my story, they made me comfortable from the start.
A year has passed now and I’ve never felt better. One of the things I love about our MOPS is the way they change the seating chart. You’ll come in and the question displayed on a chalkboard/whiteboard at the front asks, “What time did you go to bed last night?” Then before 8pm sits at one table, between 8 and 10 another, after midnight another, and “What is this bed you speak of?” sits at the last. Each meeting has a different question and it changes up your surroundings so that each mom gets a chance to meet and mingle with the other mothers in the group. This is especially beneficial for the larger groups. Our Facebook group has over 100 members but I’m not sure what the total is for our current meetings. It sure feels like a lot of mamas!
Another great thing about MOPS is our play dates and moms nights out. On Monday, we’ll be picking pumpkins together, among other great Fall activities. Next month, we’ll be gathering for a moms night at one of our steering team members’ homes to watch a movie under the stars on a projector! I am all about community and I believe that MOPS is the best community I’ve ever been a part of. People genuinely care when you’re sick or going through a tough time, they remember to ask you how you’re holding up, they bring meals when you’ve had a baby or even to welcome you to a new home, they love you like you were part of their families.
If this inspired mothers group sounds like something you would be interested in, find a group local to you and check it out!
Love this post, & love that you’re in MOPS with us!!!
The MOPS group seem like a lot of fun and what a great way for mothers and kids to socialise. Back in the UK I use to go to a group quite similar called Mother And Baby groups, usually held once a week where you can take your little one to play and the mothers would sit, chat and have a coffee. Though we didnt do anything like nights out and pumpkin picking! Have a great weekend!