So my friend Rhapsody over at Turnovers recommended that I try out the V.E.D.A. challenge once it came round again. V.E.D.A. stands for Vlogging Every Day in April (and August). You post a video each day and you can follow a list or fly by the seat of your pants! I think I’ll do somewhat of a mixture of both. I planned to take off of blogging for much of April because I am going to be going on my first trip ever with just my husband and I (!!!) but this sounds like a much quicker alternative if I post raw, uncut videos. I’ll try to cut back on the amount of “um”s used to make this more bearable for you! I’m not normally a vlogger, obviously, but I think that this will be a good exercise for me and hopefully entertaining and even enlightening for you! 🙂
Here’s the list that I came up with for The Crunchy Mom Next Door’s V.E.D.A. 2015!
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and while you’re at it, keep up with me on Facebook, Twitter, and especially Instagram because it’s my favorite. I love pictures.
If you’re planning to participate in the V.E.D.A. challenge, leave your YouTube channel URL below and I’ll be sure to subscribe and stop by to comment! Looking forward to your videos and have a wonderful vacation!!