If you’ve read my recent announcement post and giveaway, you know that we’re expecting another little Crunchy Baby. Many people, both online and in my daily life, have questioned why I have revealed this news so early. I am a little over 10 weeks but most seem to prefer 12 or 13 weeks as the “safe time”. This is because the risk of miscarriage is said to drastically decrease around this time, so I understand the apprehension before then.
Five years ago, we found out we were pregnant with our third child and waited to announce to most people until we were 12 weeks along. We had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and the baby looked perfect, with a heart rate of 156, but we just felt it was best to wait. A week and a half after we announced, we found out that our baby didn’t make it. We were both devastated and it was evident in everything we did. We needed the support of friends and family at that time, even if it felt like nobody could say or do anything that could really make us feel better. It was just so nice to have people around us, many who had been in our shoes and could relate to our grief.
Since then, we’ve never really focused on a magic safe number. It’s not out of pessimism nor confidence, but instead a decision that we’ve made because we’ve realized that we want those we love to experience these moments with us and support us if we need it. It’s just so nice not to be alone during these life-changing experiences like bringing another baby into the world. I love sharing all of those firsts like the first time you hear the heartbeat or feel movement.
Also, I hope that eventually there will be a dialogue about miscarriage. It won’t be such a taboo subject and people will feel comfortable supporting each other and knowing the right thing to say. I hope that no one ever feels like they can’t tell someone because it’s a private thing. While everyone’s way of grieving is different, people who prefer support during these times should be able to seek it without feeling like they are bringing a cloud of darkness along with them. It should never be seen as a bad omen to want to rejoice in your pregnancy from the beginning and shout it from the rooftops, if you please! This time, announcing pregnancy early was the right choice for me and I’m so glad to share with you all!
Crunchy Baby #5 makes their presence known through the Doppler often but we won’t have our first ultrasound until July or August! I’ve decided not to find out the gender of our newest little one, I think it would be so exciting to find out at birth! So stay tuned for more news on the baby front and wish us luck! 🙂

I agree with this 100%. I also agree because I believe that life starts at conception and that no matter what that life is to be celebrated no matter how small!!!!
Love this! Just announced my 2nd pregnancy early too and could not agree more. Also hoping to wait until birth to find out the gender 🙂