It’s that time of year, back-to-school has come! Well, for some of you and then others start school next month like my kiddies. Our summer has just flown by between little day vacations, crafts, movie theatre visits, beach days, and spending all of the other days outside on the swingset and trampoline.
I was home with my children 24/7 before they started school so I never understood all of the back-to-school hype. I thought, “How bad can it be having them home all the time that everyone seems so thrilled for them to go back?” Oh boy, I get it now! My older two have been fighting over EVERYTHING! They fight over favorite colors, who will be “the baby”, and they’ve even done the typical “She’s looking at me!” dramatics. I think some time away from each other will be good for them (and for my patience)!
My oldest daughter will be going into second grade and my second daughter will be going into her first year of school as a half-day kindergartener! I’m excited for them both but of course, the first year is always the most heartfelt and bittersweet of them all. It’s the moment that you have to accept that your baby isn’t really a baby anymore!
So here we are, all getting prepared for this change! It’s time to pack up those backpacks (actually, I still say “book bag”, do people not say that anymore?!), sharpen those number two pencils, and expand those minds! To help you out with this special and fun preparation time, I’ve gathered up some great products to share with you and even some to give away! I’ll also have a few other tips and tricks along the way so keep coming back to check it out! Anywhere you see the Back-to-School button, you can click and get a list of our reviews and giveaways. I will keep adding to it over the course of the event so that you can see all of the cool stuff that’s going on!