*Giveaway is sponsored by Henry’s Big Star Adventure. I received absolutely no compensation for this post. All thoughts and opinions are completely my own!
At this point in my blogging career, I’ve reviewed a lot of amazing things. Few stick in my mind on a regular basis like Henry’s Big Star Adventure. I love books and I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell people about one of my favorite children’s books. We all know about the classics like anything from Roald Dahl or the Harry Potter series, but I want to take a moment to share another favorite of mine.
We reviewed Henry’s Big Star Adventure a few years ago and I have to tell you that we still love it just as much now as we did then. It really takes the kids on a fun journey with well-thought-out characters and interactions. Of course, you can’t have a true adventure without learning a meaningful lesson so Henry does that for us too. Join Henry on his voyage to find out where all of his stars have gone and how he can get them back.
Read our full review here or just pick up a copy for your family or grab it on digital download!
What was your favorite book as a child?
I loved this story so much that I reached out to the author, Scott Schumaker, to share more with you all. He’d like to give you the opportunity to win signed copies of Henry’s Big Star Adventure!
Two (2) winners will receive a book signed by the author, one (1) winner will receive a book signed by the author and illustrator. Open to US only. Ends 10/23
I loved “Frog and Toad” and ironically I just checked out this book for my daughter today at the library! I was so excited to see it at the library! 🙂
I loved reading The Chronicles of Narnia as a kid.
Honey Bunch books
I always loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder books.
A Wrinkle In Time was my favorite book as a child.
Where The Wild Things Are.
My favorite book, when I was little was, “The Three Little Bears.”
My favorite book as a child was a wonderful book of fairytales that included Thumbelina.
Popeye Climbs a Mountain.
Loved the cat in the hat
Polly’s Puppy, it was a Christmas Book.
My favorite book as a kid was all of the Charlie Brown books.
The giving tree and Where the sidewalk ends were faves of mine
The Elves and athe SHoemaker
The cat in the hat was my favorite book when I was younger.
I was big fan of Charlie Brown books while growing up…
cat in the hat
Where the wild things are
I lived if you give a moose a muffin
Horton Hears a Who was my favorite book as a child
I liked the Little Engine That Could
I loved Harry Potter, and still do!
I liked Peter Rabbit.
anything Bernstein bears
One of my favorite books as a child was Corduroy. Where the Wild Things Are was a close second though 🙂
I liked biographies of famous people. I am still in awe of women like Dorthea Dix and Amelia Earhart.
I loved The Cat In The Hats Green Eggs and Ham
The Boxcar Children.
I loved “Madeline.”
The very hungry caterpillar
“The Polar Express”!
My favorite books were The Little Bear series, The Night Before Christmas and all my Little Golden Books.
I like “There’s a Monster at the End of this Book.”
I loved the Little House on the Prairie series. My grandma gave them to me when I was maybe 7 or 8 and I have them still, these 40some odd years later.
Go Dog Go by Dr. Seuss
My favorite book as a child was Charlotte’s Web.
Puss in boots was my favorite. I made my mom read it to me over and over and over
snow white was my favorite
My favorite book as a child was Winnie The Pooh.
My favorite was always the Fluffy the Guinea Pig books.
Freckle Juice.
I loved Mickey Mouse books!
I loved the Little House on the Prairie books.
I loved reading cinderella was a child. Thanks!
My favorite was always the Junie B. Jones series!
I loved the Curious George Books
Rainbow fish!
My favorite book was and still is The Secret Garden.