Simplay3’s Easy Haul Wheelbarrow Helps You Make Short Work of Yard Work!

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As adults, we like to look back at our childhood.  Our fondest memories are often centered around a person, and something we did with that person.  For example, for some people, it’s baking with their mother, or fixing a car with their father.  For me, there was a special time of year when I would go over to my grandparents’ home.  They would have a mound of wood piled up on their driveway.  It would block them from parking their cars, and as soon as I would get there, I’d go into the shed and pull out the wheelbarrow.  I’d start putting piece after piece into the wheelbarrow, and take it out for stacking.  Within minutes, I’d hear my grandmother call out… “Jamie, you don’t have to do that!”  I’d shout out “I know, but I love you!”  Little by little, I’d whittle the pile down, and before long my grandfather would come out to join me.  I don’t know if I inspired him, made him feel guilty taking advantage of child labor, or if he truly just loved spending the time with me.  I believe it was the latter, and those days were the happiest ones out of all my childhood.


Flash forward to today.  I moved my family out to Tennessee, and we have wood stove.  From the moment I saw the stove I was transposed back to those days with my grandfather.  I now had, without a doubt, a childhood memory that I could share with my own kids.  The only problem was that the wheelbarrow that I had was smashed to bits.  The handles were rotted, and the wheel was off.  I had to replace it!  I chose the Simplay3 Easy Haul Wheelbarrow to fill the void for a variety of reasons.

For starters, it was really easy to assemble.  One of the things that jumped out at me about the Simplay3 Easy Haul Wheelbarrow was the installation.  It took a total of… drum roll please… 3 steps.  It had a handful of pieces, and took me a whopping 20 minutes to finish.  It was great going from zero wheelbarrows to a fully functional wheelbarrow in less time than it took the guys to create the pile of wood in my barn.  So before I knew it, I was ready to go!

Now when you see the Simplay3 Easy Haul Wheelbarrow, you’ll notice that it’s made out of plastic.  It’s the type of plastic that a lot of kids playsets are made out of.  I’ll admit, I was a little worried about the durability.  How easy would it be to scratch it?  Would it hold up to load after load of firewood?  I can honestly say that it has surpassed all my expectations!  At this point in time, it handled over a cord of wood without breaking a sweat.  I threw piece after piece of wood into the barrow, and it didn’t tip, scratch, cut, or dent the plastic.  I really put it through it’s paces and I am truly amazed by how well made it is.

Another thing that jumped out at me while I was using the Simplay3 Easy Haul Wheelbarrow was its maneuverability.  This wheelbarrow has two strong wheels instead of the typical one, and it has a flat base to rest it on.  The parts are crucial.  I remember as a kid that I would often overload the barrow, and as I was taking a curve, it would tip over, spilling wood all over the place.  I found that to be virtually impossible with this one.  The two wheels provide an extremely stable base, and the base keeps it grounded perfectly.


The last thing I want to point out regarding the Simplay3 Easy Haul Wheelbarrow is how lightweight it is.  It’s so light, my littles could use it.  Yes, I could finally exploit child labor myself, and more importantly, they were ecstatic to do it!  All joking aside, it was a family bonding moment between father and kids.  They ran from wood piece to barrow, excitedly filled it, and ran back for more.  Then they raced me to the wood stack and stacked as much as they could before I got there.  I just let them go.  I knew the wheelbarrow could handle it, and I knew they could do it all safely.  It was a win win.

I wholeheartedly recommend the Simplay3 Easy Haul Wheelbarrow for all your yard work needs.  There is no doubt in my mind that you can stack mulch bags, cart flowers or gardening supplies, or anything else you might want a cart for.  It will hold up beyond measure, and help you get the job done in no time.

Get your Easy Haul Wheelbarrow HERE now!

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*The Quirky Mom Next Door received the above item(s) in exchange for our honest review. All opinions and experiences are our own only. 

2 thoughts on “Simplay3’s Easy Haul Wheelbarrow Helps You Make Short Work of Yard Work!

  1. I like this, it would be great for so many things around the yard. My Daughter has a garden and always working on little projects, with this the kids could help her. Also great for gathering toys that are scattered in the yard when it’s time to go in for the night. Thanks for this information.

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